DMI Foundation Trust - DFT



DMI and MMI are Congregations of Catholic Religious Sisters and Priests known for their selfless service to humanity in many parts of the world. Self respect through Self sustenance, Self sustenance through Capacity building, Capacity building through Knowledge based technical skills, Knowledge based technical skills towards respectable employment, and respectable employment towards the realization of one's ability to market one's own ideas, skills and products is our vision for those whom we serve.

To groom well disciplined, humanly motivated, intellectually enlightened, technically oriented citizens with stamina built in to face the changing world and a committed and strong spiritual base is our goal. All our educational and developmental services are oriented towards this goal which is to be achieved through the collective effort of consecrated Religious, committed Collaborators, dedicated Staff, receptive Students and all other concerned.

We pray and hope that every person who passes through our hands is nourished and enriched in every way, not only to face the future but also to shape his or her own future and that of our country and the universe.

May God bless you!

Who We Are?

The Society of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI) has its origin in the will of God. The Almighty Father, in his mercy, called Fr. Jesuadimai Emmanuel Arul Raj to be his Priest and later to be the founder of two religious Societies, many Movements, Associations and Institutions. The Society of Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI) is an Apostolic Society having its presence in 11 Countries namely India, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Rome, Brazil, Central Africa, Papua New Guinea and Kenya.

Next Generation School & College Campuses

Smart Campus

A smart campus is an educational setting that leverages next-generation digital infrastructure technologies.

These technologies include:

  • Cloud access control
  • Machine learning (ML)
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Big data
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • The goal of a smart campus is to:
  • Improve operational efficiency
  • Create convenient experiences for students and faculty.
  • By seamlessly integrating these technologies, smart campuses enhance the overall campus experience and foster positive outcomes.
  • Digitally Connected Institution: A smart campus uses next-generation technologies woven seamlessly within a well-architected infrastructure. It enables a digitally connected institution that enhances the campus experience for all stakeholders.
  • Improved Student Experience: Smart campuses prioritize student well-being, convenience, and engagement.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: Automation and data-driven processes streamline administrative tasks
  • Enhanced Education: Technology supports teaching, research, and collaboration among students and faculty.
  • Cloud-Based Student Portals: Access class timetables, resources, and announcements.
  • Digital Signage: Helps students navigate campus buildings.
  • Integrated Tools for Professors: Facilitates better student communication and research collaboration.
  • Tech in Students’ Hands: Initiatives like providing devices (e.g., tablets) to each student.
  • Remember, a smart campus isn’t just about technology—it’s about creating an environment where students, faculty, and administrators thrive!

Exclusive Curriculum

Welcome to the Exclusive Curricula of our Education

We believe in providing an education that stands apart. Our exclusive curricula are designed to cater to the diverse and dynamic needs of our students, ensuring that each individual receives a personalized and enriching educational experience.


The Matriculation system allows schools to adopt their own curriculum, fostering innovation while preparing students for public examinations.

Prodigious Academic Results Every Year

DMI & DFT prides itself in announcing results every year. With students recurrently excelling in Board and competitive examinations whilst showcasing their academic mettle to the best has categorized DMI & DFT as one of the


School Highest Score
Pass Results
Student scoring above 90%


School Highest Score
Pass Results
Student scoring above 90%

School Levels

DMI & DFT has four levels of schooling . Here, students are groomed and molded at every stage of the schooling.


Pre School

Primary school sets the foundation for lifelong learning and personal development. It’s where children start to build the knowledge and skills they’ll use throughout their education


Primary School

Preschools focus on the overall development of children, including social, educational,emotional, physical, and cognitive growth.


Secondary School

Secondary education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of young individuals by equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values to succeed in their chosen paths


Senior Secondary School

In these senior secondary years, students prepare for higher education, career paths, and lifelong learning.


Campus In India






Active Students

Welcome to Global Culture Community

Embracing Diversity, Nurturing Excellence

We celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and perspectives that weave together to form our global community. Our mission is to provide an education that transcends borders, fosters empathy, and prepares students to thrive in an interconnected world.

State-of-the-Art Facilities:

• Smart Classrooms: Interactive learning spaces equipped with cutting-edge technology.

• Library: A treasure trove of knowledge, inspiring young minds.

• Music and Dance Studios: Where creativity finds its rhythm.

• Computer Labs: Nurturing digital literacy.

• Infirmary: Ensuring student well-being.

• Well-Equipped Labs: Science, math, and innovation thrive here.

Join the Global Culture Community:

Visit our campus, explore our facilities, and witness the vibrant spirit of learning. We don’t just educate; we ignite curiosity, celebrate diversity, and shape global citizens

Student Life


Extra Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities are those activities, often sports-based, that take place outside of the GIIS classroom


Co Curricular Activities

Talent shows, performances, competitions, clubs and additional classroom work.


Happiness Index

Our core value of having a curriculum induced with fun and happy elements makes learning a highly productive


Parent Engagement

Parents are kept involved at every step through special events and one-on-one sessions

Our Global Campuses

img Tanzania
img Zambia
img Malawi
img Ethiopia
img Italy
img Germany
img France
img USA
img Brazil
img Central Africa
img South Sudan
img Papua New Guinea